Do I Need to Be Registered With a PRO Before Publishing?
Yes, you must already be registered with a Performing Rights Organization in order for us to publish your original songs. Easy Song does not currently offer any services to register you for a Performing Rights Organization (PRO). If you are not registered with a PRO, you will have to do so before publishing with Easy Song. While there are three major PROs that handle Public Performance royalties in the United States, only ASCAP and BMI are open to the public. Because ASCAP and BMI each have their benefits, we recommend researching on their respective websites to find your best fit.
Click here to sign up with ASCAP (Writer) and BMI (Songwriter)
Short and Quick Facts About ASCAP and BMI:
ASCAP Benefits | BMI Benefits |
Additional Resources: - ASCAP or BMI: – What’s The Difference Between ASCAP and BMI – You’ll Need One To Collect Royalties - BMI vs ASCAP vs SESAC: What PROs Do (and How They Measure Up)
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