Seal of Authenticity
This section answers questions about the Seal of Authenticity. Cleared your licenses? Show it. Proof of Licensing appears when your unique seal is clicked or scanned with a smartphone. Plus, enjoy fee-free licensing reorders for life.
- Why get the Seal of Authenticity?
- What is the Seal of Authenticity?
- What is the International Database of Licensed Music (IDBLM)?
- Is the Seal of Authenticity required by law?
- Is the Seal of Authenticity included with IDBLM filing?
- How Does the Seal Work?
- How Do the Fee-free Reorders for Life Work?
- How do I submit Proof of Licensing from another licensing provider for inclusion in IDBLM?
- How do I get the Seal of Authenticity?
- How Do I Attach the Seal to My Album Artwork and Promotional Materials?
- Do I Need to Buy the Seal for Each Format?
- Do I need to buy my licensing from you to file with IDBLM?
- Can I File Albums That Have Been Previously Released for Inclusion in IDBLM?