Your best way to earn referral income is via your Referral Link (or Partner Link, for Partners). This creates a 30-day tracking cookie on the user’s device. Cookie referrals are recorded whenever evidence of a valid, non-expired tracking cookie is found, indicating the buyer clicked your link. For this type of referral, all orders placed before the expiration of the cookie will be eligible for referral income. Even purchases by repeat customers are eligible as long as the most recent cookie is yours (and not another referrer’s, for example).
Most referral programs stop here. But we take your cookie referrals to a whole new level. When users with a cookie from your link sign up or sign in at, we record the cookie data in our database. By doing this, your referral is saved even if they clear the cookies in their browser, move to another device, or purchase from a different region or country. This helps us capture more of your referrals and it helps you earn more money, more often.
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