What Is Music Publishing?
Music publishing is the business of protecting original compositions (songs) and collecting the income they earn. Music publishers often register copyrights, negotiate licensing deals, collect royalties, and report to their clients - who are typically songwriters and composers. In short, they help songwriters get paid when others use their music.
How Can a Music Publisher Collect Money for Me?
Under Copyright Law, you are granted a set of exclusive rights whenever you create a work in a tangible medium. That means once you've written down or recorded your music, you legally control how that copyrighted work is distributed and exploited. If you go the extra step of registering your copyright, then you can take legal action against anyone who is infringing on your copyright.
When you enter into an agreement with a publishing administrator like Easy Song - "administrator" meaning you still retain all ownership of the copyrighted work - you are extending a part of that control to us so that we can administer and collect publishing revenue on your behalf without you needing to go through the work of setting up every individual income source.
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